
Showing posts from August, 2022

What does IT support do and what to expect from IT Support London?

Have you ever wondered about what IT support is and what are their duties and roles then this post is for you. In this post, you will learn all the basics of the IT support role so that you know what you will be paying for while opting for the services of IT support London . What is IT support? IT Support is an IT expert who supervises and maintains an organisation's computer systems and networks. IT Technical Support provides employees with technical assistance and support. What services do they offer? Although this role includes many services here are some of the most important ones: ·    They offer technical support for both software and hardware. ·    They resolve issues for employees over the phone, in person, or digitally. ·    They find bugs and make improvement requests. ·    They help to install, configure, and keep updating hardware and software as needed. ·    They develop and maintain online databases and website tips and tricks solutions. ·    They provide