
The power of Microsoft Power Automate and IT Support in London.

If you run a business you know the difficulties of managing clients, payroll, and other business-related issues. But with the help of Microsoft power, automate and IT support London you can easily organize your business. Want to know how? Then keep reading this article. What is the Microsoft Power Automate? Power automate is essentially a tool created by Microsoft to help organizations with the power of automated processes. Power automate allows you to automate repetitive tasks that are done daily such as: ·   Sending email ·   Tracking sales ·   Creating documents ·   Scheduling meetings ·   Sending approvals etc. If your day also starts with doing one or most of these tasks you are wasting more of your time than you realize. Luckily with automate, you can easily hand over these tasks to Microsoft automate software and focus on increasing your overall productivity. How Power automation and IT support London are connected? IT Support London can help you assemble and co

How to check the security level of your IT

  I T security can be difficult for many people and even harder to know where to start. That’s why some of them make a smart choice and instead of worrying about the data they hire services that provide IT Support in London . But worry not here is a list of how you can determine whether your data is safe or not. Understand what the data contains. You can’t protect something when you don’t even know what it is, what it does, and who will get the advantage of stealing this data. That’s why it’s the first and most important step for you to understand your data. You need to check where you store it and who has access to it. What are the risks? There are three possible things that you need to look out for namely: ·        Threats: a threat can be anything that has the potential to destroy the data. It can be fire damage, water damage, or getting hacked. ·           Weak points: this is the most essential thing that IT Support in London   always looks out for, weak points. Not having prote

What does IT support do and what to expect from IT Support London?

Have you ever wondered about what IT support is and what are their duties and roles then this post is for you. In this post, you will learn all the basics of the IT support role so that you know what you will be paying for while opting for the services of IT support London . What is IT support? IT Support is an IT expert who supervises and maintains an organisation's computer systems and networks. IT Technical Support provides employees with technical assistance and support. What services do they offer? Although this role includes many services here are some of the most important ones: ·    They offer technical support for both software and hardware. ·    They resolve issues for employees over the phone, in person, or digitally. ·    They find bugs and make improvement requests. ·    They help to install, configure, and keep updating hardware and software as needed. ·    They develop and maintain online databases and website tips and tricks solutions. ·    They provide

“WannaCry” cyber attack and how getting IT Support London can help?

“WannaCry” is one of the reasons why you need IT Support London ASAP. This was a very famous cyber attack that affected about 150 countries and thousands of organizations. If you are not aware of what happened then let me explain. In December 2017, organizations from The United Kingdom, the United States, and many other countries faced a cyber attack. During this attack people using Microsoft Windows operating system had all their data encrypted. This attack was the doing of some mysterious organization. The party who did this demanded Bitcoin for ransom to decrypt the encrypted data. This attack is now famous as The “WannaCry” cyber attack. Why do you need to be cautious? Attacks like this can happen anytime at any moment and your organization can get in attacks like these. Ignoring the safety of your IT infrastructure is like giving the house keys to the thieves and hoping they won’t rob you. That’s why your company needs to have a stable and secure IT structure to ensure the

Outsource your IT services here’s why - Network & Security

No matter whether you have a small business or large business but are not benefitting from the IT support then it’s time to reconsider that choice. Technology has become the backbone of all the organizations now, if someone’s company is not up-to-date with Technology they are far from even competing in the race. And, that’s the reason why having a good IT support team on your company’s side has become even more necessary. Some of the benefits you can reap from an outsourced IT service are:  Expertise : finding an experienced team with zero effort is not something that comes by every day. You get a team full of IT engineers who are accustomed to handling complex IT issues. Immediate support : With IT support services, you will have immediate resources and manpower to help you manage your business more efficiently. It will be an even more profitable choice during the exponential growth of the company as recruiting IT engineers can be a little time-consuming and expensive. Protection